Concept becomes Reality

Welcome, wonderful femme’s of the galaxy … to the TuneSong AudioVisual Fashion section

Currently, shock, omg, there is nothing to buy “here and now” …

The “fun factor” shopping therapy experience…

the satisfaction gained from the confident “swipe of the stripe” is … not here (yet).

For now this is a window into the TuneSong Spring-Summer femme fashion range; showing information.
Furthermore, not only information (as though information were not absorbingly interesting enough) … we have grouped into logical product delineations the attractive, informative photographs of what we got going on. And by “we”, we really mean “one of our crew”; a signed TuneSong artist or creative collective. We only present, distribute, and describe the garments if we truly feel the love.

Ands that is for each individual garment.

And so this is like a catalogue that has the “freedom to be” without conforming to the vibe, format and “implicit hand waiting for the dollars to be paid for a desired obtainable”.

What we offer here is what we like to call “Edifying Window Browsing”.

“Early Days (as of Thursday 18th January 2024)”
In time, we shall have a comprehensive list of stockists.

“Ever Heard of an Online Store dude?”
Maybe there will be an online shoppe. And maybe not.

if - and only if - the concept of the idea and vie of an “Online Shoppe Experience” is something that makes our emotions come alive!

Another erequrenment: it does not trip out Seventh Wave Fashion nor us e within the TuenSong Studio.

Also we need the “go-ahead” from the design label Seventh Wave Fashion, the design label who signed with TunerSong company in 2023, and conceptualises-designs all or most of the Femme range collections. The first collection being of course, the Spring-Summer 2024 range. Next collection from Seventh Wave Fashion will be the Autumn-Winter 2024 range.

Seventh Wave Fashion happens to be a local clothing “design and conceptualisation” collective, partially focused on fashion improvisation, totally dedicated to quality, obsessed wit the interactivity of garment potential: Form, Functionality, Partial Accomplishment of Garment Duty, Layering of Garments too Effectively Allow Options, and Celebrate the Day, Hour, Minute, Second, and then the Evening.

Art Nouveau Long High Miniskirt:

This is innovation. Forget fashion. Feel the comfort. This piece is for ginchy skater girls, doubles as sensual indoor-wear after the gym at the resort.

In fact, this is also quite a convenient garment during the cooler months for the femme surfer wishing to put her springsuit on… before, or in fact after waxing her board before changing.; depends upon personal preference, really.

fForm and Potential Multi-Function

It’s like a custom-.made “changing smock” for the demure-yet confident costume change from everyday clothing to surfing-oriented gear … be that in the carpark or on the sand, at the beach … watching the waves, observing their personalities, big and small, as they arrive as a swell, then peak and become a “liquid event happening.”

When properly garbed in bikini or wetsuit, then it id time for a way-cool surfing session. Even if that mainly involves the pleasure and honour of bearing witness to the character of each swell arriving from far away with stories to tell of their ocean traversal, or even just a magnificent visceral celebration of the moment with ten thousand mathematical algorithms not even enough to represent the complexity and authenticity of the wave’s existence and communication.

TuneSong AudioVisual Fashion label gladly supports the introduction of this “miniskirt with more”, to the contemporary garment market for la femme.

Orders, Enquiries and “High-Fives”::

1-Piece Tight Dress (with separate 3/4 Sleeves):
The one-piece tight dress has brought many a man’s heart to his knees. Or something like that.

There is a special magic about the one-piece dress, a certain indefinable “something”.

This particular offering from TuneSongAudioVisual Fashion label is quite obviously predominantly a floral celebration.

And now we get to talk about the special bonus offer inclusion with the package. As the one-piece tight dress itself wasn’t enough … feel double-special with the individual 3/4 length sleeves that just simply take this ensemble to the region of “next level”.

Interested in ordering for a store? Contact and we shall reply within 24 hours.

Glamour and Elegance

That’s all we have to day about this wondrous garment of goodness. Anything more? No comment. Oh, perhaps to mention sizes Small to 2XL are available. And yet, we shall provide a “Size Guide Translation Chart” to accompany the “Available Size Chart”. all those numerical values can be a little distracting sometimes lol.

We Love It

Seriously folks, we honestly do not have a single more comment regarding this gorgeous “One-Piece Dress With More’ … other than to say genuinely, simply, autheicallyl and deeply….:
We Love Love Love this.

Interested in individual garment purchase? Well, firstly, may we say that you for the interest. Soon there will be a list of stockists … and if they are not conveniently nearby, we shall also include a size guide interpretation chart, the current availability of sizes, and expected arrival time. Returns accepted. Nice comments and review-style response emails welcomed.

Minimality Sassy High Femme Top
Sweet and polite, sporty and action-packed.

Vivid and Deep

The vividness of the hot pink arms contrast with the ocean deep in between them

We Love It

Love this for cool Springtime evenings, long walks by the ocean, forest adventures and sunset resort-wear to enjoy before the evening really begins.

Partial Fun Top: Deconstructed Jacket

The charm of this garment is as much about what is there compared to what is not there.

Getting improvisational with fashion garments is partially what Seventh Wave Fashion clothing is all about. The feeling and the comfort is equally important and valuable.

Luxuriant feeling and contemporary styling brings this piece to attention; form and function factor interactively create a sense of inspiration in the room.

Prototype Team Applicants:

Maybe one day there will be an online “shop”… and maybe there won’t. Gotta feel the vibe for it first.

And in the meantime, if you notice something you simply must have… please, feel welcome to apply to be one of our “Prototype Fashion Testing Team”, to wear the garment of your choice, for 18 months, paying only the postage from us (near Byron Bay) to your good self. As a designated “Garment Tester” all we ask is that you wear the garment with much vivaciousness, and wash the garment with bizarre strong cleaners like car wash (but not bleach, pleeeease not bleach - unless it happens be that strange-sounding hybrid known as “colour-friendly bleach clothing wash” … aaaaand take a few notes, just for the benefit of future buyers, to know how strong and Ruch the garment and design colours remained). Even take photographs, that would be coo!

email to send ua photographs and occasional notation reports:

Seventh Wave Fashion

Product Range:
Summer Spring 2024

Sizes Available:
Small, Medium, Large, XL, 2XL

Size Interpretation Chart:
Coming Soon

Minimum and Maximum Quantity Orders:
Shops: Between 3 and 70.

Individual Femme: As minimal as a single garment, atm it is merely a scenario of email us, PayPal the dollars, tell use your size, we send the goods to your address.

Time of Delivery Estimation:
Ultime Quickest: 2-3 days posted from Byron Bay.
Big Orders:m 5 weeks maximum. How so? Wherefore?

Welll, the company we work with does Direct To Fabric printing on completely flat unaltered fabric.

This is very very different to “DTG” "or “Direct to Garment”.

How is “true DTF” colour printing achieved?

Simple The technique requires the one company to do both the printing and the actual making of each garment. And the printing must happen first.

This is the qualitative and vital difference between “DTF” (Direct to Fabric) colour printing (preferable) and the other option where the printing. company receives an already-made, often quite “generic” and not very “unique” garment, whereby the printing company has limited deep immersion printing options, and a limited area on the garment to print thereupon. That second option is cool and cheaper for some uses, like branding on uniforms and such.

Visionary Company Pairs With Visionary Company

Here at TuneSong Records, we feel no reason nor compulsion to “boast”. But we do feel the need to give credit where credit is due: Our partner company who makes the Seventh Wave Fashion gannet designs into real garments are using Direct-To=-Flat-Fabric printing ink techniques guaranteeing deep ink immersion. They know where the decorations and text-art and main-designs should be printed on this expanse of flat fabric, because they have the knowledge. They have the technology that is only going to be useful if they themselves have in-house dress-makers and company-employed garment sewers on hand, overseeing the Direct-To-Flat-Fabric process.

Some drying time is required, naturally. Then, they make each item by hand with a little help from their technological gadgetry. Then the big data arrives: they post the garment (or garments) to the TuneSong studio.

It’s all about the Fashion, Functionality, and Qualities

It sounds a little “involved”, but here’s the thing: these guys are quality. Quality. With a capital”Q” … They bring the goods. The goods feel good and are resilient, long-wearing, shape-keeping. We waited 18 months before actually allowing this and the Guys fashion page to be published. We wanted to stress-test and “Quality Assure” the hem strength and colour-vividness-long-livedness. The colours no matter how subtle or different, maintained their edge, from, richness, saturation, and evenness of tone. We are very glad to say that. For we hope that each garment purchased becomes a functional fashion resource pin the wardrobe for many years to come, decades, even.

Even so, we hear in the cosy TuneSong studio then perform Quality Assurance check. So far, all garments have received our 120 percent approval. Then we post them to the buyer’s address, express.

Immersive Ink-To-Flat-Fabric-Printing

The colours are stay-fast, printed on flat fabric before any cuts or hems are made, allowing for the best-in-the-business ink-to-fabric printing techniques. Result: subtle, vivid, true-to-our-designs, and they just keep on keeping on and on. It’s amazing!

18 Months of Prototype Testing Before Launch
We have prototype=tested the “TunerSong LongSleeve Tee” for 18 months. The garment endured so much. And kept on maintaining the vividness of colour and impressive endurance of hems. There was one hole due to an incense stick incident, however, that is only a very small hassle and compared to the many rigorous suit-tropical jungle expeditions, multi-machine machine episodes using car-wash liquid as the detergent, we are confident in our product.

In addition: please note that spilled candle-wax and coffee stains are surprisingly easy to remove effectively from TuneSong AudioVisual Fashion label garments for guys and for la femme. Guaranteed.