To sup[port thee musical journey of interested guitarists.

Content Structure:
Harmony is usually the ecosystem whereby the phenomenon of “melody” may evolve and take a variety of forms.

Tonality is a good word in the world of music. We do have the term “Key Signature” and that refers to whether a chord progression is minor or Major.

Really there are three “Major” tonalities, and four “minor” tonalities. These correspond to the seven modes. Saoo… the first mode is the Ionian mode. That also happens to be the Major Scale, and is the accepted Western music culture definition of the Major Key Signature.

Talking off Key Signatures - not that the Key Signatures are going to be focused on, it’s just “good to know” … the Western culture definition of a minor Key Signature is the Aeolian mode.

400 years ago, the official powers-that-be allowed the creation of a new scale derived in fact from the Aeolian mode, and it was called the Harmonic Minor Scale. The main reason composers of the time were calling for this, was that the Harmonic Minor Scale was to be almost exactly the same as the Aeolian with one vitally important difference: it would contain a Major 7th note, giving all sorts of harmonic and melodic options to the greatly satisfied composers.

The Multifaceted Instrument Known as “The Guitar”