It’s Al About THe Music!
Welcome to TuneSong Records
Items to discover include: cultural contributions to contemporary music, fashion and visual genres.
For this reason our company could easily be renamed as “TuneSong AudioVisual Fashion Label” …
The only problem with that idea is: too many syllables and quite possibly, too much information.
We publish and distribute mainly two types of music: Modern Deep House, or Lofi Funky Beats and Hip Hop.
The art content is usually made with gel-pens, pastel highlighters, retractable crayons, textas and markers of variable nib size and shape, watercolour pencils…. on paper of various width, texture and format.
Fashion… TuneSong Records has a “passion for fashion” … That is why the original name of the company was TuneSong AudioVisual Label, but the thing is, that had too many syllables and tried to describe too much too soon.
Usually, we here within the TuneSong Studio prefer comfort and easy quick casual style. Seventh Wave Clothing (more info found in the Crew section of this site) have taken the “passion for fashion” and made it a form of improvisation of almost musical proportions…. Seventh Wave Clothing, take me to your dealer!
TuneSong publishes and distributes the work of independent music producers, artists, and fashion producers as though they were all part of a big family. We only publish what feels good when ti feels natural - it’s all about the music, it’’s all about the vibe, and it is also all about the feeling….
… as regards the the “timing”, well, that could be now or later but not yesterday. Time-travel machines are too expensive. So, how now or where otherwise the timing of publication?
Immediately, or when the idea has matured like fine wine.
Fresh from this year’s development season. Have a glass from the barrel on a horse-drawn cart as they arrive in the city after a two-day journey from the fertile pastoral scenic vineyards surrounding the urban centre.
Kept in special places until the time of the idea has arrived.
This is to ensure a sense of place.
This may include a combination of previous and hot-off-the-imagination-press only just yesterday. In some kind of way.
This could be viewed as a remix - then again it could be a “reimaginin"g” of the essential character. Recontextualising is also a very real option.
When applying designing principles (musically or visually), the general consensus is that the principles of design are “important guidelines” and not definable as “rules” - therefore the the adjective “:heuristics” is preferable.
Making the choice as to whether to apply” this, that or the other” is quite important, especially regarding structure and emotion;
requiring thought, content review and revisitation, and of course previous experience.
Funky Lofi Beats and Modern Deep House EDM
Composed, sequenced, captured to disk in various ways, these TuneSong-Exclusive DJ Loops are designed for atmosphere, groovy vibes, big up for it bangers where the DJ has a selection of … how shall we say … “song-section-oriented DJ Loop Groups”: with the concept that DJ ‘s can be just as improvisational as instrumental musicians, especially with song structure real-time composition.
These are for some funky beats and sweet tweaks
A composer’s delight! Not hundreds, not thousands, but …. well actually it’s only going to be a few dozen obsessively sound-sculpted and EQ perfected one-shot samples brought to you by TuneSong crew. Yes that’s right, royalty and copyright free. Go get ‘em and make some inspired musical conversations. If you so choose to, that is to say. Future plans involve grouping tuned drum sample groups so they essentially form a drum kit with a couple of extra snare options, ghost note variations of the bassdrum, differing ADSR envelope hihats, and perhaps a synth bass note or two, tuned ever so carefully to be “in simpatico” with the particular one-shot sample group.
Essentially we hope to bring nice vibe samples that just feel good to listen to, whilst also providing the quickest pathway to having fun and making harmonically relevant music with cohesively designed, selected and grouped one-shot samples.
Talent, heart and soul.
creative persons and people who compose, design and release audiovisual fashion content with TuneSong Records … are collectively referred to as “the crew”. This makes things easier especially if the collective expands or contracts in size of the entire group count, so to speak. The TuneSong Records label is here to give and inspire, And for as long as they feel genuinely inspired to do similar, so are … “the crew”.
Having a slightly fun name for the collective is by no means a way of making fun of them; some really deep, really real talent has showed up and they are bringing the goods.
TuneSong Records represent a handful of talented contemporary producers, rappers, and a single composer of modern-day acoustic nylon string guitar.
Each artist or producer signs a usually non-exclusive publishing and distribution contract biased in the artist’s favour as much as possible.
This kind of “benevolent behaviour” is made possible by today’s technology. Economy of production and economy of distribution.
Fun to wear, quality gear with a sense of the modern day style.
Cothing for musicians who want to relax, or check the surf. There is the potential to mix it up with some smart casual for the going-out vibe with a subtle sense of elan.
For the Guitar Enthusiasts!
Harmony and melody will be the basis for discovering new chord structures and inspirational approaches to melody improvisation.
The Character of the TuneSong Records label
This page brings some more insight into why TuneSong is publishing music, samples, and designing comfortable fashion garments. Further contact details are to be found here for those venues or festivals who like the sound of a particular artists or producer and would like to enquire about booking a TuneSong artist to play a set.