What is “TuneSong”?
TuneSong is an “AudioVisual Fashion Label”.
Writing a song is like riding a wave or having a conversation. The song has its own personality that it makes clear to the songwriter to some degree over time … during a five-second epiphany, a five-day marathon production session, a mellow five-month sojourn of going forth, returning, then progressing forwards again similarly to before and yet differently, on a parallel path - otherwise known as “Second Verse” … or even the Bridge, or perhaps the Chorus played in a new uplifting key signature.
Websites are like this. They evolve or mature “organically” to “find themselves”, and this happens on the electronic presentation context of a computer screen, or a smartphone interface.
When the website is the online presence of an actual “company”, then it usually only exists during the existence of the company. TuneSong Records is more “correctly” described as a “collection of culture visionaries”. And often the reality of being a cultural visionary involves much time and investment of energy, talent, experience. Sure, the “visionary” thing sounds nice - or ridiculously self-important, depending on the perspective of the visitor … all it means though really is that for anything to be promoted and distributed by TuneSong Records, the Audiovisual or Fashion product needs to have conceptualised as a heart-oriented genuine motivation of something accomplish. Instead of being just “something to do” to fill up space or make a gamble or somehow give credence to the existence of a webpage simply by having a large amount of browsable items.
In other words, “quality, not quantity” is one of the mantras of the TuneSong CEO … more than this, a much more favoured motto is “feel it, love it, make it, bring it, be real and don’t get in the way of a good thing happening.” With this in mind, it is quite possible for a company to produce and distribute both quality and quantity.
Being a “Label”, TuneSong organises distribution and promotion for the various groups and individuals who have signed with this Label.
So, as mentioned TuneSong is a collective of cultural visionaries and they are mostly living around Byron Bay. Each “group”, “production crew”, composer, artist or DJ needs to bring more to the table than just some nice ideas or half-accomplished products. They need to have gone the journey travelled the wild winds or swum the mighty rivers, or something, to get the idea to being a genuinely valuable product ready for production.
These “cultural items of contribution and hopefully authentic inspiration” may take the form of published-and-distributed songs. The music production crews should preferably be actively gigging, to gig-test their phat riffs… to ensure complementary tuning is evident between bass drum and bass synth, hihat, and snare drum or clap sample … If the context of a TuneSong collective member is visual, 2D illustration or moving animation, these individuals should have an art gallery exhibition they are preparing for, or be mixing visuals live for gigs at clubs and festivals.
TunerSong Production Mottos:
If you don’t feel it, don’t write it.
If you don’t love it, don’t make it.
If you don’t hear it, or at the very least have a musical concept for a composition component or DJ mix section, don’t play it.
TuneSong Label is this: Heart Energy Center
TuneSong’s question is not so much “What can I have or get?”
In fact TuneSong is not about that question whatsoever. The pre-eminent “TuneSong Question” is this: “What can I bring?”
One day in the none-too-distant future, TuneSong Headquarters will need more space than the current structural hinterland bungalow.
To avoid a self-oriented approach to finding somewhere, and to avoida limited mindset, TuneSong’s CEO brings a question to alter the “acquisitory mindset focus quotient potential”.
The question is this, in two parts:
”How may TuneSong Label create valuable space, and what would that hypothetical-hopefully-to-become-real “valuable space” sound and look like, in context, either culturally or physically?”
From there, the Label and to some degree, the various members of the collective, will have a sense of direction on how to first contribute before accomplishing an acquisition.
It’s vaguely similar to the occasionally quipped epithet: “First understand, and then seek to be understood.”
TuneSong donates monthly to GreenPeace.
TuneSong supports the global transition to 100 percent renewable energy by 2033.
Let’s make a good place better than when we arrived; as a gift and message of goodwill to the future generations yet to arrive.